Atlanta Stone Works, Inc. has been a staple in the community for 18 years. With more than 80 years of combined experience, we offer state-of-the-art equipment and quality customer service no matter the size of the project. New kitchen or bathroom countertops are an investment and add great value to your home. Take the time to visualize what you’d like your space to look like and add your personal touch to it. If you’re not sure which countertops are right for your residence and vision, we will help you select them. Thanks to the different colors and patterns of granite, marble, or quartz, countertops can easily change the look of a home from traditional to contemporary. Trust us to get the job done and help you choose the right material for your budget and lifestyle.
Should I buy granite or marble?
Marble is beautiful, but for most homeowners, granite is the better choice. Marble is more porous and generally more expensive.
How much maintenance does granite require?
Granite is very easy to care for. Be sure to seal your granite, clean it with mild soap and water, and then it should last as long as the house does.
What do I need to know about quartz countertops?
Quartz is an extremely durable material. However, unlike granite, quartz can be affected by extreme heat. Avoid damage by using cutting boards and trivets between hot kitchen tools and quartz countertops.
2033 Baker Court, Kennesaw, GA 30144