Fix That Rolled Curb Driveway

Men laying new hardwood flooring

While driving around Atlanta recently, I pulled into a steep driveway to turn around, and as I was backing out onto the road I heard the horrible sound of scraping metal–the bottom of my car against the asphalt and cement. Luckily, no significant damage was done, but with so many driveways in Atlanta like that one (and reportedly 9 million in the U.S. and Canada combined), I’m excited to read about a new product that aims to reduce car-curb collisions!

Bridjit_CurbRampThe Bridjit Curb Ramp is a padded surface made with recycled tires that fits into the dip at the end of rolled-curb driveways. The curb reduces the incline between the driveway and road and creates a more smooth and level surface to drive over. Smart design features include the ability to customize the length of the ramp to the width of your driveway, a notch on the underside of the ramp that allows water to pass under and sections that are bolted together–not to the storm drain.

Seems like a great investment, especially for owners of luxury cars, RVs, trailers and cars that sit low to the ground or have an extended overhang. Plus, your friends and family will thank you for eliminating the hazard of pulling in and out of your rolled-curb driveway!

For more ways to improve your driveway, check out our story on choosing driveway materials and the associated maintenance requirements of each.

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