Simplifying Countertop Choices with Cambria
I want to thank Cambria and its Atlanta distribution partner, Construction Resources, for inviting me to the launch party of their new color line for 2011. Slabs of Cambria countertops were on display to showcase the 2011 line of 21 colors and three brand new collections.
Cheryl Tiegs addresses the crowd at Cambria’s 2011 Color Launch Party at Eclipse di Luna in Buckhead.
Cheryl Tiegs and Construction Resources co-owner Mitch Hires.
I would say my favorite was the new Jewel collection because of the depth in the design and the subtle sparkles from within. The Cambrian collection most resembled the look of natural stone you would fine in granite, while the Marble collection rounded out the new styles with that classic feel.
I’ve found that over the years, I usually choose the most expensive color and style pattern when I am touring a stone surface showroom, so I was excited to learn that color does not determine the price with this new collection. All prices are the same, regardless of the color you choose. So that sparkle you get from the Jewel collection will be the same in price as the natural stone look of the Cambrian collection.
Check out the different styles from the Jewel collection below.
To add a twist from the usual industry meetings, Cambria launched the new line at Eclipse di Luna on Miami Circle, so the crowd of designers and architects were also treated to tapas galore. Although the weather was dismal, cold and rainy, the industry turned out for this event. Love the new colors, Cambria.