2004 Kitchen & Bath Planner
Planning for a new kitchen or bath is exciting, but it can quickly become an overwhelming experience. Inside is a checklist to help you determine exactly what you want in a new kitchen or bathroom, and a breakdown of cost versus return on investment. You’ll also find guides to cabinet styles, kitchen layouts and space measurements. This planner is designed to educate, prepare and equip you with the tools necessary to begin talking with design and remodeling specialists about your dream project.
Part I: You and the project
Section A: The Big Picture
When do you want to complete this project?
Do you want your plans prepared by a/an: _____architect _____builder/contractor _____interior designer _____space planner _____cabinet planner _____yourself_____other
What is your overall estimated budget for this project? _____$12,000-$30,000 _____$30,000-$45,000 _____$45,000-$60,000 _____$60,000-$80,000 _____$80,000-$100,000 _____$100,000 and above
Do you want your kitchen/bath
to have: _____more room _____less room _____less upkeep _____updated features _____better layout/flow _____more natural light _____other
How long do you plan on staying in the remodeled or new house? (This should help you figure out the breakdown of price per year.)
How many members are in your family? _____adults _____children _____extended family
What are the ages and sexes of the family members? _____
Include extended time visitors, i.e. children in college, grandchildren staying the summer, relatives staying for holidays.
Are you planning to enlarge your family? _____Yes _____No
Number of children_____
Does your family have special needs?
_____dietary restrictions _____religious _____medical _____diabetic _____allergic _____mobility _____memory-impaired _____safety (children) _____security (valuables) _____ramps instead of stairs _____non-barrier shower _____seated usage of kitchen _____storage visible _____appliances that lock _____lockable knife storage _____live-in help living space _____dedicated arts and crafts room _____home schooling space _____home office space
Specific information:___________
What type(s) of pets do you have, if any?
Where do they eat?
Sleep? Spend their time?
Do you buy pet food in bulk? _____Yes _____No
If yes, what type do you buy? _____dry _____canned
Section B: Personal Design Details
Prioritize the following options:
(1) very important (2) important (3) not important:
_____function of space_____traffic flow through space_____number of cooks_____separate space for each cook _____look of space_____function and look of appliances_____materials made in USA_____brand name of materials_____budget flexibility _____timeframe of project