Budget Storage Solutions Add Style and Functionality
For under $600, Atlanta area resident Joann Ewell was able to add much-needed storage space all around the house with a decorative, handmade touch.
The first project was a shelf for the master bathroom. This project cost approximately $70 for the wood and paint materials from Lowe’s and Home Depot and took about 10 hours to build, caulk and paint. The cost breakdown worked out to: Plywood for shelving $25 (no cost to pre-cut), all trim pieces approximately $25, one sheet of bead board $10, caulking $3She built a second shelf for storage in a closet under the staircase for $50, which took around 5 hours to complete. The cost breakdown worked out to: Plywood for shelving $25 (no cost to pre-cut), all trim pieces approximately $25
Joann saved time and money by having the home improvement stores cut the main pieces for the shelves based on her measurements, leaving her to cut the trim pieces at home with a miter saw.For the laundry room, she painted and hung pre-cut melamine shelving on wrought iron shelf holders, which took 4 hours. A new rod for hanging clothes and baskets was incorporated in one of the shelves.The cost breakdown worked out to: 3 melamine shelves $30, one wooden rod $12, 2 brackets for wooden rod $6, 4 wrought iron shelf brackets $16, wall anchors to hang shelves, paint $25, accessories $63, furniture piece for storage $41
If that wasn’t enough, Joann changed a bedroom to a home office with homemade storage solutions in just 5 hours. The cost breakdown worked out to: Paint $30, Rug $20, Furniture pieces total cost $145 includes: bakers rack, chair, table, white chest – accessories and wall items total cost approximately $90
For both the laundry room and new home office storage, she selected furniture pieces and accessories from local antique stores and Hobby Lobby. Joann used her own original ideas as well as inspiration from magazines and Internet resources to design the shelves and storage solutions for her home.
This project is an entry from our “Decorating on a Dime” Contest. Results will b revealed in the February 2012 issue of Atlanta Home Improvement, and all entries will be posted here on our blog. Check out another entry, a budget bedroom renovation.