Do you listen to music or want your phone on you while doing yard work?
Whenever I am out trimming bushes, pulling weeds or planting, I have to have music. But of course I need to be hands free and need some apparatus to protect my iPod or phone from water, dust and possibly grass clippings if mowing the lawn. So I was so excited to hear about the i1015 iPHONE Case from Pelican. This extremely tough looking case appeared to be just the ticket, but I needed to try it out to see just how user friendly it is.
First, the clip on the end fulfilled my first need for it to be hands free. Check. And the durable plastic case is crushproof and water resistant. Check. Both my Droid phone and my iPod fit in the case (not at the same time of course), so it is very versatile. And it is easy to use – just plug in your own earphones into the external jack and then plug the inside jack into you iPod or phone. Voila, you are ready to head outside to work in the yard or play by the pool.
But wait. . . How is the sound quality? Awesome! I could move about freely, hear my tunes clearly and relax while doing my yard work. I had no worries about a cord not stretching far enough or getting in my way. It has a lifetime guarantee, so the only downside I found was if I wanted to change songs I had to open the case to scroll. But I think I can handle that or just make a playlist for yard work. The case retails for approximately $37.00.
For more information, please pick up the July issue of Atlanta Home Improvement Magazine or visit Pelican’s website.