How To Clean Tile Grout Lines
It’s difficult if not impossible to clean tile grout lines that have gone from white to brown or black. That’s because the dark areas are actually mold/mildew imbedded deep in the grout between tiles, not just on the surface. Cleaning mold/mildew off tile grout lines is the subject of a recent Expert Q&A in Atlanta Home Improvement. In it, Matt Hoots, CEO of SawHorse, Inc., offers this advice for making your tile look new again:
“The first (and easiest) is to prevent the growth in the first place. Mold/mildew tends to grow on surfaces that are moist and also have organic material that acts as a food source. Keeping it dry may be a challenge, but eliminating the food source is something that can be resolved by more frequent cleanings. If you are in the process of designing a space, consider products that are antimicrobial such as self-cleaning tile. To treat mold/mildew stains, one popular solution is to use a baking soda-and-vinegar paste. This is a green solution since it does not have any harmful off-gassing like typical detergents that can make you sick.”
Do you have any other solutions? Let us know by leaving a comment below.