5 Steps to Better Indoor Air Quality
Now more than ever, homeowners are looking for ways they can improve the indoor air quality, or IAQ, in their homes. For many people, staying home for the majority of the day is a reality of life right now. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that the air we’re breathing all day – and all night – is as fresh and healthy as possible. What can you as a homeowner do to ensure better air quality for you and your family?
First, let’s take a look at what causes the air in our homes to become less-than-fresh. Believe it or not, it often has to do with the way many modern homes are built. In order to be more energy-efficient, modern homes are often made to be as airtight as possible. While that helps keep conditioned air inside, it also means that the same air is circulated through the home’s ventilation system over and over again. Without fresh intake, the air in the home can become stagnant, with dust particles, germs, molds and more constantly distributed throughout.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your IAQ right away.
With the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s understandable that people are looking for ways to keep the air in their homes clean and fresh. Here are five proactive steps that you as a homeowner can take right away, so that your family will be breathing fresher, cleaner air in no time.
- Take it outside. Smoking, that is. If you or someone in your household smokes, you should know that indoor cigarette smoking can drastically affect your indoor air quality, and can contribute to illnesses such as allergies, asthma and emphysema.
- Clean the natural way. Some cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can cause the level of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, to increase in your indoor air. Look for cleaners with low VOCs when you shop, or for ones with natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and citrus extracts.
- Time to replace your carpeting? If so, ditch re-carpeting and opt for tile or wood floors. Why? Carpets can hold many, many contaminants, including dirt, dust, pet dander and waste, mites, mold, fungi and more. Even with frequent vacuuming and cleaning, they are much more likely to be a source of indoor allergens than other types of flooring.
- Bring Mother Nature indoors. Plants are a wonderful way to improve your home’s air quality. Houseplants of all sorts can help filter toxins from the air, helping you and your family to breathe easier – all while enjoying the natural beauty that plants can bring to your home.
- Consider calling an HVAC professional. Home comfort experts know the ins and outs of making sure the air in your home is just right – from the temperature, to the humidity level, to the quality. Pros like those at Empire Heating & Air Conditioning can analyze your indoor air quality. Then, they can help you get the proper products, such as purifiers, ventilation, filtration and ultraviolet germicidal light, to ensure your air is clean and free of contaminants.
To learn more about improving your indoor air quality, contact Empire Heating & Air Conditioning.
The HVAC experts at Empire are ready to help you get the IAQ solutions you need, so you and your family can breathe easier. They’re taking every step possible to respond to the COVID-19 crisis responsibly and with your best interests in mind. As an essential business, they’re glad to be here for you during this time. Simply give them a call at 404-294-0090, and they will be more than happy to assist you. EmpireHVAC.com