Meet Maria Riggs, Marketing Maven and 2021 Rising Stars Fab 4
Maria Riggs | Age 33
Director of Client Relations & Marketing at McMichael & Gray, PC
Maria Riggs was always interested in learning more about real estate, but while training under some of the best, she realized it was her passion. As director of client relations and marketing at McMichael & Gray, PC, she’s found the formula for working hard and having fun doing it. It’s a good thing too, because not only is this Spanish speaking (she was born in El Salvador) lover-of-people-and-God a full-time marketing guru, she’s also a full-time mom.
What advice would you give other young adults getting into the real estate industry?
Be patient, never stop learning and learn from the best. There are so many moving parts to our constantly changing industry. It takes years to truly understand and master it. You have to be patient because experience will be your best teacher. Still to this day, I learn something new all of the time! I learn from the best and continually educate myself whenever an opportunity arises.
Why do you love your job?
It is so rewarding to see individuals and families achieve homeownership! It makes such a difference in people’s lives, and it is a privilege many in the past haven’t been able to achieve. I’m honored to be a small part of that process.
How do you give back to your community?
McMichael & Gray has been a Cornerstone Sponsor for HomeAid Atlanta for more than seven years. We love helping with Care Days, their annual Essentials Drive and annual silent auction. Our marketing team serves on several committees, and managing partner Randy McMichael sits on their board of directors.
How do you unwind and recharge?
I love music! Whenever I need to change my mindset or spark my creativity, I listen to music, and it completely changes the way I feel almost instantly. I also enjoy spending time with my family, friends and God. It gives me a better perspective on the bigger picture instead of only focusing on the current challenges.